
Simo Ahava – Google Analytics 4 in Big Query

$600.00 $49.95

Simo Ahava – Google Analytics 4 in Big Query
Original Price: $600
You Just Pay: 49.95$(One Time 88% OFF)
Author: Simo Ahava
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87


Simo Ahava – Google Analytics 4 in Big Query
Original Price: $600
You Just Pay: 49.95$(One Time 88% OFF)
Author: Simo Ahava
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87

Getting Started

  1. Setup the BigQuery environment
  2. Link Google Analytics 4 and Google BigQuery
  3. Access the course dataset
  4. Explore the Google Analytics 4 export schema
  5. Run your first SQL query

Events & Users

  1. Understand GA4’s session and user data models
  2. Sessionize the event data stream in BigQuery
  3. Group data by users and different user-based dimensions
  4. Access user properties
  5. Learn how to unnest data
  6. Learn about query costs (and optimization)

Engagement & Retention

  1. Replicate and customize GA4’s sessionization logic
  2. Use “engagement” as a way to segment data
  3. Build custom pathing reports to show how users navigate your website
  4. Build comprehensive event reports and event funnels
  5. Replicate and customize GA4’s retention model
  6. Integrate Google BigQuery with Google Data Studio

Monetization & Lifetime Value

  1. Explore the ecommerce event schema in the GA4 data
  2. Calculate ecommerce metrics
  3. Explore how GA4 utilizes “items” in ecommerce events
  4. Build a comprehensive items funnel report
  5. Calculate and visualize the lifetime value of users

Advanced Queries

  1. Learn advanced techniques for working with Google BigQuery and Google Analytics 4
  2. Craft your own concept of an “engaged session”
  3. Combine GA4 data with other public datasets
  4. Flatten the GA4 schema to work with relational databases
  5. And many more…this section is constantly updated with new content



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