
Mindvalley – Wildfit

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Mindvalley – Wildfit
Original Price: $895
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Mindvalley – Wildfit
Original Price: $895
You Just Pay: $79.95 (One Time – 92% Off)
Author:_Vishen Lakhiani
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87

Mindvalley Presents The Most Surprisingly Effective Healthy Living Program Ever…
The WildFit Quest
Enjoy a Guaranteed Breakthrough In Your Health and Fitness Levels Within 90 Days Without Dieting, Exercise or Massive Change in Lifestyle Simply By Changing Your Relationship With Food

Does It Ever Feel Like You’re In a Secret Battle for Your Health?
Do you feel ‘stuck’ in your current body, no matter how much you work out?
Do you feel powerless to control your stress eating?
Do you feel helpless over food cravings?

Maybe you’ve struggled with your health for years on end. You’ve been to physician after physician and you’ve tried everything to cure what doctors are calling ‘common’ ailments…

Hypertension, lackluster energy, chronic acne, blocked sinuses, inflammation and other debilitating bodily challenges.
Every pill, treatment, and trusted remedy has failed.
Or maybe you’ve done everything you can to drop unwanted, stubborn weight that’s keeping you from the fit, youthful, and healthy body you crave in hopes of finally freeing yourself of those lingering pounds. But nothing is working.
Your body just isn’t behaving the way that you want…and it’s dragging you away from the lifestyle you desire.
You’ve put in tireless effort to defeat your challenges and improve your health,only to be blocked… again.

It’s almost like your body is rejecting the best version of you at every turn.
Eric Edmeades WildFit
Eric Edmeades
Maybe you’ve started to wonder:
What am I Really Fighting Against?

Perhaps you’ve heard this before…

“I’m just born this way.”
“Everyone in my family deals with this issue. I inherited it.”
“I just can’t lose the weight. I’ll always be this size.”
“My doctor said I should just learn to manage it.”

If any of these statements sound like you, you are not alone. Millions of us are in a battle, yet we don’t know the true cause of our issues. The battle isn’t between you and your body.
Your struggle is rooted in your relationship with food
Healthy gut
The truth is, your diet affects nearly everything your body experiences on a daily basis. And contrary to popular belief…
Your diet is just as much about what you eat as what you don’t eat.
But unraveling the secret to defeat this struggle is easier than you think. And it starts with understanding the misinformation about health.
5 Keys to Unlocking the Truth About Your Health

What you’re about to discover is the hidden science of nutrition, its effect on our health, and why it’s been inaccessible in our society. Because while dieting and exercising are popular, they’re misinformed or incomplete approaches to the true path to health living. There are FIVE fundamental myths that society teaches us about food and diets. But thanks to Eric Edmeades’ discoveries in nutrition, you’re about to uncover the truth about these five myths.

Myth #1: Calorie In, Calorie Out
As a student of human evolution, Eric Edmeades observed something interesting about the tribes in Africa that he spend time with. They never went on a diet. Still they had great muscle tone, amazing energy and incredible levels of fitness. It occurred to Eric that the fundamental ideas about why we eat no longer makes sense. Counting calories is meaningless. Because your body is not a simple, input output machine.

Myth #2: Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
There is no daily recommended diet. Our bodies evolve to eat annually. We go through different stages and require different foods in different seasons winter, summer, spring, and autumn.

Myth #3: You Need A Personalized Diet
No. Human beings have not differentiated long enough by evolution to have too much of a different diet. So there are certain rules that apply to all human beings regardless of your race, origin or culture. And in fact, the largest chunk of your diet is not going to change. Yes, some people may have special needs but for 80% of us, our needs are the same.

Myth #4: Food Industry Wants To Make You Healthy
While this may be the most obvious myth in this list, millions of people are being conned by food industry’s misleading labels on food products that are supposedly good for us. Because the truth is… food manufacturing companies blatantly lie to you – and the American diet is particularly unhealthy and designed to create cravings so you buy and buy and buy more. It actually has very little to do with your health.

Myth #5: You Must Exercise To Be Healthy
Exercise is great for health. but it doesn’t have a significant impact on your body. Modern science shows that 95% of your body shape is due to the food you eat and not exercise.

Now, the dieting industry (which is also part of the food industry) wants you to believe these myths so you will keep buying more foods from them, when the truth is—
Dieting does not work.
Exercise alone does not work.
Starving yourself does not work.
Instead, if you’re looking to…

Maintain an optimum body weight
Raise your body’s energy levels
Slow down aging and eliminate illnesses
Free yourself from false food beliefs and cravings
Improve your overall health for better skin, libido, body, and more

It’s time to rethink your relationship with food.
Some of our WildFitters and their results
A System To Change Your Food Psychology With No Change In Calorie Intake
People create short-term changes to their eating habits everyday.
It’s what’s commonly known as dieting.
But modern day dieting doesn’t work.
To create life-changing results that last, you need a simple system that changes your food beliefs, relationship, and habits FOR GOOD.
A powerful, effective and new health and fitness methodology… that draws its inspiration from evolutionary and functional medicine and nutritional anthropology…
And uses behavioral psychology to create lasting change in your brain’s association with food including its response to the Six Human Hungers…
So that no amount of advertising dollars or social pressures will put you back on an unhealthy regimen ever again. EVER.
This system addresses the five primary reasons behind why you’ve always failed to achieve the changes your body so badly wants to make. It guides you through an easy, step-by-step process to make permanent and lasting changes without ever feeling hungry and always having a feeling of abundant freedom.
And it’s incorporated in this program called…

8 Things That Make WildFit Quest Unique
Health Principles
01. The Principles to Lasting Health

WildFit is a Paleo-influenced health methodology that draws heavily from evolutionary history and modern-day hunter-gatherer communities. A key principle of WildFit is that ‘every living thing has a diet’ and that the degree to which a species can stay on its diet is a measure of its health and longevity. These principles are known to have existed for at least 5–6 million years.
Behavioral Psychology

02. Powerful Behavioral Psychology
WildFit creator, Eric Edmeades, has been a professional speaker and executive business mentor for 2 decades; he understands behavior and how to create lasting change in you. WildFit’s structure is based on powerful behavioural psychology techniques that help you implement the changes you want, quickly and easily.

03. Microlearning For Even Your Busiest Days
The traditional way of taking courses is: you invest in a course, and you study it by yourself in your own time for about 8-10 hours which lacks accountability and excitement. The WildFit Quest is run on Mindvalley’s Quest microlearning platform, so what happens is you’re going to go through the program along with thousands of others under guidance from a tribe and pre-recorded Q&As from Eric and his team No more finding time to pour through 10-hour courses. Set aside 10 minutes a day, each day for 90 days.
No Starvation

04. No Starvation And No Exercise
The WildFit Quest is carefully designed so that you will NOT be hungry and there is no requirement to exercise. This program is about nutritional balance and getting your diet, energy levels and sleep on track so that, when you are ready, you will actually enjoy your exercise. You’ll not dread it like you used to.
Results In 90 Days

05. Designed For Results In 90 Days
For the most part, people already know (or think they know) what they should eat and what they should avoid to achieve their health goals; the problem is that they often fail to stick with them. They make exceptions and these exceptions slowly become the rule. The well refined 90-day structure of WildFit Quest, on the other hand, breaks most people’s conditioning long enough to deliver lasting change.
Group Coaching

06. Group Coaching and Teams
Food and health are team sports; people gravitate toward the average of the people around them. For most, this is not good news. The WildFit Quest puts you on small group that work together to complete the program and support each other during the program and after it is done. This powerful framework helps our students get the best results possible.
Six Human Hungers

07. Work With The Six Human Hungers
Most people eat either far more or far less than they need, and often they do both. They eat too much of what they should and not enough of what they must. In WildFit, we work with the SIX CORE HUMAN HUNGERS to help people translate the messages they get so that they can really listen to their bodies.
No Special Foods

08. WildFit Quest Requires No Special Foods
Healthier, organic foods can sometimes cost a bit more, but there are no special shakes, supplements or anything else to purchase. We are fundamentally against diet programs that are designed to get you to pay extra for “special foods” or “energy shakes” to complete the journey. Instead, every week, you gain a new awareness in your relationship with food. WildFit Quest creates a fundamental change in your own body at a remarkable stick rate, and you are never obligated to buy anything from WildFit again.


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