
Iman Gadzhi – Digital Launchpad

$270.00 $29.95

[b]Iman Gadzhi – Digital Launchpad
Original Price: $270
You Just Pay: $29.95 (One Time 90% OFF)
Author: Iman Gadzhi [/b]
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Contact me for the proof and payment detail: [b] Or Skype_Macbus87[/b]


[b]Iman Gadzhi – Digital Launchpad
Original Price: $270
You Just Pay: $29.95 (One Time 90% OFF)
Author: Iman Gadzhi [/b]
Sale Page:_[n/a](
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: [b] Or Skype_Macbus87[/b]
Dear aspiring online entrepreneur,
If you want to make your first $1,000 online and work your way up to the top 10%…
Even if you’ve never made any money online before…
And do so in record time, without having to invest any money upfront or have any previous business experience…
Then this will be the most important program you’ll ever watch.
Here’s why:
My name is Iman Gadzhi and a few years ago I had nothing.
I was living with my single mom and we were surviving off of government benefits…
I had just jumped into the online business world, with a dream to make it big online to get us out of that situation.
I was 16 and had no one to guide me…
It was also at that time that I decided to drop out of high school.
I basically had all the odds stacked against me.
I went on to spend months trying to find the perfect online business model…
Sales funnels.
Affiliate marketing.
Online apps.
You name it…
I’ve tried them all, to no avail.
All I’d do was spend 12 to 16h every single day bumping my head against the wall trying to make this “online business” thing work…
Only to get hit with a different blow every time.
It was like that for long months…
Until I made a small yet extremely effective change to my approach…
I’m the founder of a multitude of businesses.
A few of them you might know:
Educate, an online education platform
A few software companies
My own ecom brand, Gadzhi
And a top affiliate for a few of the most popular affiliate offers online.
Just to name a few.
All of that to say:
When it comes to making money online…
‍I’ve got it down.
I have tried – and succeeded – with every online opportunity under the sun.
And I know exactly what works and what DOESN’T…
Most importantly:
I know exactly what is working TODAY.
And right now, I’m looking for a selected group of young individuals who aspire to create an online income and make their first $1,000 over the next few weeks……
…To share the exact same secrets I’ve applied to make my first million online.
Now, you may ask:
What took me from a high school dropout to one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world in my age range?
Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve discovered something…
You see…
During the last few years, a lot of people have tried to replicate my steps.
They have tried to work with clients
They have tried to start an agency
They have tried to create content for YouTube
They have tried to build software companies
They have tried to sell online programs
They have tried to go viral on TikTok
But, at the end of the day…
There are only a handful of 23-year-olds out there with a multi-8-figure net worth.
And I’m not talking about one specific person here…
I’m talking about dozens of thousands of people trying to replicate my exact steps.
Now, the question is:
What is the difference between the ones that do achieve success like me…
And the ones who do not?
If they’re all doing the exact same thing as I did, why only very few of them succeed?
And what I’ve discovered is this:
Most people think that they’re not succeeding because there’s some sort of “secret information” they haven’t yet discovered…
Something that they don’t know yet that, when they discover it…
…will lead them to success.
And they think that the lack of such “knowledge” is why they haven’t succeeded.
Maybe you believe that yourself.
Now, the reality is:
That couldn’t be further from the truth.
For most of you, the reason you’re not succeeding is not because of what you’re NOT doing…
But because of what you ARE doing.
You see…
Most things that you ARE doing are keeping you stuck where you’re currently at.
And the truth is:
‍You’re not at the top 10% because you’re doing things that keep you at the bottom.
And that’s extremely dangerous…
Because you keep doing the things that you THINK are moving you forward…
When in reality they’re only moving you further and further away from your goals.
And the more you do them…
The further away you get.
Which means:
You need to address those actions as soon as possible.
‍Because the more you wait, the harder it will be to fix them.
And that’s why I created Digital Launchpad…
First, you’ll get my crash-course on “How To Unf*ck Your Life”
Here’s just a mere fraction of the golden nuggets you’ll discover inside of it…
The 5 things that are keeping you stuck at the bottom 90%, that you’re most likely doing every single day. — 2:10 of Module 1
The most important “counter-intuitive” 7-minute exercise you can do today to achieve success (This is the exact opposite of what all the Self-Help ‘Gurus’ tell you to do) — 4:50 of Module 1
The 5 steps Iman Gadzhi takes to ensure a successful career long-term. These are my own personal answers for the same exercise you’ll go through with me — 10:45 of Module 1
How to guarantee FAILURE in life. These are the exact actions you should take to be 100% sure you will fail — 14:30 of Module 1
Iman’s best and most honest advice for you to succeed in life. It goes against all you’ve ever been told online — 16:40 of Module 1
The #1 mistake you must avoid at all costs as a beginner. Make this mistake and you’ll fail AND burn all your savings — 19:30 of Module 1
What business models to avoid as a beginner. The likelihood of you succeeding with these is close to none — 22:00 of Module 1
How to pick the best career path for your specific personality type. This is how you play to your strengths vs your weaknesses — 24:00 of Module 1
The 1 action that ALL of our students that get to $10,000/month take that the others don’t. if you want to get there too, this is something you must do — 26:00 of Module 1
All of this just in Module 1…
Out of the 23 modules you get inside Digital Launchpad.
With it, you’ll finally have a clear-cut path to cutting through the noise and getting what you want in life:
Money, status, relationships.
The bottomline is:
Digital Launchpad is your toolkit to work your way up to the top 10% and make your first $1,000 online…
…In record time.
You’ll get redirected to our student platform to complete your checkout.
As the old saying goes…
‍”There’s a million ways to make a million dollars”.
And anyone that tells you there’s only one way is flat out lying.
But, there’s a catch.
A catch that no one ever talks about…
There are indeed a million ways to make a million dollars.
But only a few will work for YOU.
That’s why Inside Digital Launchpad I’ll first help you to unf*ck your life…
And then, I’ll show you the 3 best methods to make your first $1,000 online.
I’m giving you 3 full-blown programs worth $1,500 each:
Each one of these programs is from 8h to 20h long.
And for every single one of those programs, you’re going to be learning from someone who has made millions with that specific method.
For Copywriting, you’ll get Pen To Profit, from my own CMO Luis Berger.
There, you’ll learn how to write emails, ads and sales copy that clients pay thousands of dollars for.
All of it using AI and proven fill-in-the-blank copywriting structures that Luis will share with you.
For Organic Ecommerce, we just finished recording a brand new program from my good friend Jordan Welch.
Inside of it he teaches you how to put together a Shopify store from scratch and optimize the right details to ensure you get as many sales as possible.
Then, he’s gonna show you exactly how to get your first $1,000 sales organically. You’ll literally see him live building a store from scratch and getting sales from it during the program.
For sales, you’ll get 6-Figure Sales Rep, from my sales manager Paul Daley.
There, you’ll learn how to get good at sales in record time so you can make your first $1,000 as an appointment setter or online sales rep.
And I’m giving them to you… Completely FREE.
Most importantly:
With these, getting to your first $1,000 becomes a matter of simply executing what your mentors tell you to do.
If you can follow instructions, you can make your first $1,000 online.
Now, this is not all.
There’s MORE…
Here’s what you need to understand:
Making your first $1,000 online is not a sprint…
It’s a marathon.
That’s why Digital Launchpad is broken down into months.
You see…
It becomes incredibly easy to make your first $1,000 once you have the right guidance.
All you need is:
To have the right guidance…‍
To execute the right actions…
And then, succeed.
It is as simple as that…
The problem is:
For some people it might take 2 weeks to achieve such success…
For others, it might take 3 months.
That’s why you need continuous guidance.
One thing is for sure:
You’ll face roadblocks along the way.
And, most likely, you won’t know how to handle them, since you’ve never experienced it before.
So when you encounter those roadblocks, it is essential that you have the right guidance.
Someone who will show you the way…
…And tell you what to execute.
And that’s why…
I made Digital Launchpad a continuous monthly subscription.
For you to have continuous guidance until you reach the ultimate goal of the program:
Making your first $1,000 online.
And it doesn’t matter if it takes 1 week or 3 months…
You’ll have our support the entire way through.
Here’s the thing:
I’ve built Digital Launchpad not for it to be a program that you watch once and you’re done…
But to be a platform that you keep going back to whenever you face a roadblock…
…Until you make your first $1,000.
And we don’t stop until you get there.


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